Wednesday, June 9, 2010

feedsack fabrics

I finally decided to start my own quilt blog at the same time I decided to join up with this quilt-a-long (which I'm so excited about). This is my pile of feed sack fabrics - a mix of Windham Feed sack VI Thirties and Blue Hill Feed sack Thirties fabrics. Love it! P.S. If you happen to find this blog at this stage, be sure to check back in the coming weeks. Maybe I shouldn't be starting this until I have everything set up the way I want it, but I'm afraid that if I don't just dive in and get going, treating this as a work in progress, I may just never get the nerve to start. Here I go . . .

1 comment:

  1. I love those fabrics! Anything thirties is so nice...except for shoulder pads.
