Wednesday, March 16, 2011

it's a little tricky ...

I've been waiting so long for this Dan Stiles fabric, and finally got it put together in a little baby quilt. However, it's really hard to baste it with safety pins ... ... when my stomach looks like this ...
... only five weeks to go!


  1. The image that popped in my mind was a sling with tummy support hung from the ceiling. Can your hubby quickly build one of those for you?
    I think you are super for putting such a beautiful top together in your eighth month.

  2. Wait... seriously... just 5 weeks to go?! We practically have the same due date!! How fun is that?! :) Monday was my official 5 weeks to go mark, so it's like 4.5 now. :) I'm due April 18 and really feel like that can't come soon enough. I'm ready! Hope you're feeling well. :)

  3. Dawn! I am so excited for you. You know we both have boys with the name Luke. So I thought I'd share my other four kids names. You know cause ya just never know?! Lucy, Owen, Jaeger, Savanah. Good Luck with the last leg of pregnancy. I loved the quilt!

  4. Wow - quilting to the very end! Beautiful quilt. Cute tummy. :)

  5. You look great! Yes, it is difficult moving with a basketball out in front as that is how I carry my babies, too. Hope you are felling well. He'll be here before you now it, then he'll be 2 months old before you blink. At least that is how I feel about little Taylor!
